Wednesday, October 31, 2012

SIUniverse Blog Parade Day Three: Angry Girl Comics

Originally posted at Angry Girl Comics
 by Wendy Xu

hi friends! I hope all my fellow NYCers survived the hurricane safe and sound. my area of BK was thankfully untouched; I am so freaking grateful to have had power through this whole ordeal.
so the official launch date of Secret Identities is rapidly coming upon us (remember, remember, the 5th of November, woooo!) although you can still pick up an early copy if you’re in the NYC area and get to visit the Museum of Chinese in America, which I highly suggest doing. Right now through February they have an amazing API comics exhibit up featuring work by fine folks like my dear friend Alice Meichi Li and people I have had the great pleasure and privilege of paneling with, like Larry Hama and GB Tran, all of whom also contributed to SI!

I was approached by Keith at the beginning of the summer and asked to contribute to the book. I almost could not believe that I was going to be in a real published anthology and consequently sat on the news for months, although I was dying to tell everyone (and now all of you have to get flooded with news about this, muwahaha). but I cannot even begin to describe how huge of an honor this is for me.

I’ve been drawing since I was a kid. actually, when I started at NYU I’d started out in the psychology program with the goal of becoming a therapist (L O L HOW MINDS CHANGE) and then realized it was really not for me. but by then it was too late to change majors since I’d dived right in, so I just rode out the program, which I finished early, and turned my goal elsewhere, and in my sophomore year of college really got into drawing comics. I started Angry Girl in a very transitional and turbulent summer between my junior year and the start of my last semester and it has taken me further than I ever could have imagined.

for the anthology I drew a two-page thank-you comic for Dr. Jan and Marica Vilcek, founders of the Vilcek Foundation, an organization that gives grants to immigrants working in the arts and sciences. The Vilceks themselves are immigrants, having left Czechoslovakia for the States in the sixties and becoming superstars in their respective fields of medical research and art history. The comic was written by Jeff Yang, one of our editors for the anthology.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

SIUniverse Blog Parade Day Two: 8Asians

Why Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology (Secret Identities) is Important

Originally posted at
by Koji Steven Sakai

When I was a kid, I LOVED comic books. I bought every X-Men comic I could get my hands on. I was obsessed. This was a long time ago and back then the idea of Asian American superheroes was pretty much unheard of. This is not to say that Asian/Asian Americans weren’t in comic books. The one prominent one I remember reading was Sunfire.

Here is the Wikipedia description of him:
Sunfire is a temperamental and arrogant Japanese mutant who can generate superheated plasma and fly. Not suited for teamwork, Sunfire was only briefly a member of the X-Men and has kept limited ties to the team since. He has had some presence in the greater Marvel Universe.
storm shadows and quick kick 300x212 Why Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology (Secret Identities) is ImportantNot someone I could get behind.

The only time I really felt the lack of Asian American representation was when I watched/read G.I. Joe. I rooted for the two Asian/Asian American guys, Quick Kick (Right) and Storm Shadow (Left).

You might recognize Quick Kick as Angry Asian Man’s logo but I vaguely remembered him as a child. The character I always rooted for and played with was Storm Shadow. And even though he was a bad guy, when I played with him he always became a good guy. And I secretly imagined the guy under the mask actually looked exactly like me.

Now that I think about it, that’s kind of depressing.

secret identities asian american superhero anthology jeff yang paperback cover art Why Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology (Secret Identities) is ImportantThis is why when I first heard about Secret Identities: The Asian American Superheroes Anthology, the first anthology of Asian American superheroes created/drawn by Asian Americans, way back in 2009 I was super excited. I submitted a story (“Meet Joe”) and was honored to be included in the first book.
419nkKNYB+L. SL500 AA300  Why Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology (Secret Identities) is Important
Three years later, the second book, Shattered: The Asian American Comics Anthology (Secret Identities), is coming out next week. This book features villains. Not just any villain, but Asian American ones!

Monday, October 29, 2012

SIUniverse Blog Parade Day One: Adam WarRock

Shattered – Secret Identities & some news updates
Originally posted at


I was lucky enough to be included in the recent publication Shattered: Secret Identities Vol. 2. Shattered is the second in a line of anthologies that seek to bring multicultural voices and perspectives through the medium of comics. It’s a book full of amazing, original art and stories by creators like Fred Chao (Johnny Hiro), Greg Pak (The Incredible Hulk), Larry Hama (GI Joe), and tons more.

I got to work with Ming Doyle (Future Foundation, Loneliest Astronauts, Girl Comics), who’s not only an amazing illustrator, but without a doubt, one of my favorite comic artists in the world. We contributed a gallery piece that basically made me into a superhero. Here’s what I look like, in a nice sepia tone:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Jubilee's Texts #3

Apparently, there's a movie opening today featuring a bunch of Asian characters!

We found Jubilee texting her friends about the possibilities of Hollywood turning the stories from SHATTERED into potential movies.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The SIUniverse at New York Comic Con!

Come by Epic Props booth 1113 and get a copy of SHATTERED before it’s in stores.

Also, stop by the booths of other members of the SIU family:

Bernard Chang will be in Artist Alley at C8!

Cliff Chiang will be in Artist Alley at N1!

Greg Pak will be in Artist Alley at K18!

Larry Hama will be at Epic Proportions Booth 1113!

Ming Doyle will be in Artist Alley at B2!

Sean Chen will be in Artist Alley at C9!

Sonny Liew wil be in booth U12!

Billy Tan will be in booth P2!

Dustin Nguyen will be in booth H1!

Greg LaRocque will be in booth O5! (Saturday only)

Louie Chin will be in booth 448!