Monday, March 2, 2009

Some Extra Stuff... now that Keith was able to talk me into blogging here...and I have my own blog too. So I'm just a blogging machine now.

I figured I should post some of the pgs that I personally drew for Secret Identities. So my actual title on this book is as Art Director. But I was able to draw two short stories as well.

One is "9066," which Jonathon Tsuei wrote. Attached here is both the pencil and inked version of the same pg.

I also drew the story "Wallpasser," which is written by Clarence Coo. Attached here is also a pencil and inked version of the same pg.

Not to sound redundant, but being apart of this book means so much to me. Opening up the submissions to everyone lets me believe that we are creating the heroes that you the reader have always wanted to see. And that is very special to me.

So be on the look out for us on tour. And ask your local stores for Secret Identities. Flood them with requests for the book. It comes out April 14! Help spread the word and make an impact.

Till next time.
-jerry ma

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