In just a couple of weeks, I’ll be attending the C2E2 Comic Con in Chicago, April 16-18 at my usual Epic Proportions Booth(729). Unfortunately I'll be the only Secret Identities Editor there, but hopefully you can join me!
This is the first year for this show, but I have no doubt in my mind that it’s going to be a great show.
I’m in my apartment right now preparing for it.
I can’t wait to get there, as Geof Darrow will be sitting at my booth each day signing autographs and promoting the new shirt he’s done with me. Which is based off of his Shaolin Cowboy comic. You can see the shirt here.
Anyway, in part of my excitement for the con, I’d like to give out one free badge to someone for the weekend. Meaning, whoever gets this badge will not have to pay to enter the show, but will have to find their own way to Chicago.
All you have to do to be considered for the badge is just write me an email at:
Let me know how why you want to come. And then after you’ve won, come hang out with me and the crew in Chicago.
1 comment:
Love your site and thanks for all that you do for the AA community. I was wondering if you could post my audition reel for the upcoming documentary about the San Diego Comic Con that Morgan Spurlock (Super Size Me) is directing. There are hardly any Asians auditioning and I hope to represent. I could use some support from my brothas and sistas by visiting and commenting on the YouTube page. Thanks for the consideration.
More about the documentary: http://comic-con.morganspurlock.com/
Thanks and keep up the great content!
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